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Photo: CMP. Niklas Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, Green2x, Mikkel Sjølin Kiil, Green2x, Barbara Scheel Agersnap, CMP, Torben Lind Jensen, CMP.
Photo: CMP. Niklas Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, Green2x, Mikkel Sjølin Kiil, Green2x, Barbara Scheel Agersnap, CMP, Torben Lind Jensen, CMP.

Press release -

One of the world’s largest biofuel plants is planned in Malmö

Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) and Green2x have entered into a partnership with the focus on the design, establishment, and operation of one of the world’s largest biofuel plants to date at CMP’s terminals in the port of Malmö. The establishment contributes greatly to the green energy transition and at the same time creates opportunities for more jobs in Malmö.

The aim of the partnership is to ensure a renewable energy supply, local growth and sustainable maritime transport in the future.

Green2x is an ambitious and innovative player in the large-scale production of biomethane and green fuels. Green2x’s technology extracts green energy from the straw that remains after harvesting, which enables the production of green energy on a whole new scale, because the straw contains a lot of energy, and this technology enables more than 95 per cent of it to be recovered.

“Our partnership with Green2x is fully in line with CMP’s ambitions, in which we see the port as a future energy hub. We want to help solve the challenges society faces in the green transition while creating new business opportunities. As a port, our goal is to play a significant regional role in the transition to green fuels in close cooperation with other players in the value chain,” says Barbara Scheel Agersnap, CEO, Copenhagen Malmö Port AB.

“We are incredibly pleased to join this exciting partnership with CMP and the City of Malmö. Green2x’s strategic plans are now accelerating, supporting our ambitions to become an international green fuel producer very rapidly. The location in Malmö opens doors to enormous potential. This gives us a unique opportunity to strengthen cooperation with the shipping industry, among others. At the same time, we use the geographical synergies with our plant in Vordingborg, especially when it comes to sourcing large quantities of straw. The tempo, market interest and ambitions are high, and it is gratifying that the next step will be in collaboration with CMP and the City of Malmö,” says Mikkel Sjølin Kiil, CEO, Green2x A/S.

The next step in the partnership is a pilot study period, in which the project is planned in detail and when relevant permits are obtained. Establishment will then begin, and the facility is expected to be completed by 2030. Green2x has recently obtained a permit for the establishment of its first plant in Vordingborg, Denmark, with the start of production scheduled for 2027.

For further information, please contact:

Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt, Chief Communications & Sustainability Officer, Copenhagen Malmö Port AB.
Email:, telephone: +46 (0)70 252 00 98.

Niklas Ahlefeldt-Laurvig, CCO, Green2x
Email:, telephone: +45 20129898




Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt

Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt

Press contact Chief Communications & Sustainability Officer +46 70 252 00 98
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We connect sea with shore and create growth and prosperity for all

Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) is one of Scandinavia’s largest port operators, and a full-service port in the Øresund region. We receive a vast variety of goods and have an infrastructure customised for all types of vessels.

Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP)

Terminalgatan 18
201 25 Malmö