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Georg Stage training ship at Nordre Toldbod in Copenhagen

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Georg Stage training ship at Nordre Toldbod in Copenhagen

The training ship Georg Stage will be moored at CMP’s facilities at Nordre Toldbod in Copenhagen from 24 to 26 September 2024. The Georg Stage’s call at Nordre Toldbod emphasises the connection between the city of Copenhagen and its commercial port, the training of future seafarers, and the preservation of the strong and vibrant maritime tradition in Copenhagen and Denmark.

The Georg Stage is the world’s oldest sailing civilian maritime school and the model for all the sailing maritime schools that have been established around the world over the years. Today, it is one of only two schools globally that provide young people with a professional maritime education on-board a sailing ship. Georg Stage is gender balanced, attracting more talent to the profession than most other maritime schools. Copenhagen is the home port of the Georg Stage.

The stay in Copenhagen offers a visit from the Youth Education Guidance Service, a presentation sailing on the Øresund Sound, a 10-year anniversary reception for the school ship’s captain, and a public open-ship event on 24 September 18:00-20:00.

"The training ship Georg Stage has been based in the Port of Copenhagen since 1882. Over the years, the harbour has evolved to something quite different than it was at that time, but the water and the port are still a bridge to the world. A bridge that has become no less important in our time. The Georg Stage loves to be out in the world and showing off the national flag of Denmark, but it is always something special to come home to Copenhagen,” observes Asser Amdisen, Director of the “Georg Stages Minde” Foundation.

Copenhagen is an important maritime city with an active commercial port that supports the growth and development of the Danish capital and the surrounding region. This applies to both the container terminal in Nordhavn, which handles the vast majority of container cargo arriving to or departing from Zealand, and the bulk terminals at Prøvestenen, which alone receive over 1,000 cargo ships annually with among other imports raw materials for the building industry. Nordre Toldbod is best known as one of CMP’s three cruise ship terminals in Copenhagen, together with Langelinie and Oceankaj. In addition, ships from the Danish Armed Forces and NATO allies, as well as other governmental and research vessels, also regularly call at CMP and Nordre Toldbod in Copenhagen.

“For Copenhagen as a commercial port and CMP as a maritime workplace, it is a great honour to be able to welcome the world’s oldest sailing maritime school, the Georg Stage, to the quays at Nordre Toldbod. As a training ship, Georg Stage is crucial for ensuring the continuing supply of skilled maritime graduates to shipping companies and other maritime employers,” remarks Barbara Scheel Agersnap, CEO, Copenhagen Malmö Port.

For further information, please contact:

Asser Amdisen, Director, Georg Stages Minde, E-mail:, Telephone +45 2137-4552.

Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt, Chief Communications & Sustainability Officer, Copenhagen Malmö Port AB, E-mail:, Telephone: +46 (0)70 252 00 98.

The training ship Georg Stage offers a sailing maritime basic education programme that provides young people in the age group 18-22 years old with their first maritime education and experiences on a training ship. Onboard training is hands-on, and the ship is our primary pedagogical tool. The onboard training programme takes place over a period of 20 weeks, after which the young person can go to sea as an unskilled ship’s assistant (seaman). Subsequently, the young person can choose to continue their studies at one of the country's other maritime training programmes.

Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP), with terminals in Copenhagen, Malmö and Visby, is a full-service port and one of Scandinavia’s largest port operators. The operations employs more than 300 full-time staff, and each year over 5,000 ships visit the ports’ terminals. CMP has established a concrete goal of net-zero emissions in its own operations by year 2025. The EU has classified CMP as a Core Port as it plays an important role in the development of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T).




Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt

Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt

Press contact Chief Communications & Sustainability Officer +46 70 252 00 98

We connect sea with shore and create growth and prosperity for all

Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP) is one of Scandinavia’s largest port operators, and a full-service port in the Øresund region. We receive a vast variety of goods and have an infrastructure customised for all types of vessels.

Copenhagen Malmö Port (CMP)

Terminalgatan 18
201 25 Malmö