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Strengthen the innovation efforts at CMP

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Strengthen the innovation efforts at CMP

Max-Peter Matthäi works as Operations Manager at CMP, where he, among other things, ties the commercial department together with the operational department. In addition, he works with process optimisation and operational expenses on the Danish side. Last year, Max-Peter had the exciting opportunity to participate in an innovation training within CMP. The innovation training served as a kick-off for CMP’s innovation work and aims to strengthen CMP’s overall expertise in working with sustainable innovation, promoting an innovative mind-set, activating the potential in the organisation and streamlining development processes linked to CMP’s work with SDG 9.

In addition to Max-Peter, 19 employees from the entire organisation participated and during the training, Max-Peter and his colleagues learned processes and tools for how to best work with creative idea development and innovation.

“To be innovative is to dare and take risks, to look beyond existing ways of working, and to tackle challenges and problems from different angles. Via the training, we not only learned valuable tools we take with us going into the future, but also not to underestimate the solid work that lies behind innovation efforts,” explains Max-Peter.

The Innovation Board secures CMP’s innovation efforts

Today Max-Peter is the coordinator of CMP’s “Innovation Board.” which also consists of Biagio, Daniel and Florentina, who together attended the innovation training. The Innovation Board functions as a support unit for the organisation and will help propel the efforts with innovation at CMP.

“We have been tasked with securing the innovation work within CMP and working together to concretise and implement innovative ideas in a test environment. We investigate, among other things, whether the idea is environmentally, socially and economically sustainable, and what risks are associated with the concept. If the idea meets the criteria established, it goes on to CMP's management team, which decides whether it should be implemented. The goal is for the ideas to be developed into practical projects where the end result benefits both CMP as a company and our society-at-large,” notes Max-Peter.

CMP’s employees – crucial for successful innovation efforts

In addition to the Innovation Board, CMP’s other employees are a crucial factor for the innovation efforts to succeed, because it is from the employees that the ideas come in. On a dedicated page on CMP’s intranet, Portalen, all CMP employees can send ideas to the Innovation Board via a form. This page also contains information about CMP’s work with innovation as well as contact information for those who have further questions and thoughts about innovation work.

In conclusion, let us share Max-Peters best tips for thinking innovatively:

“I firmly believe that a prerequisite for being innovative is ‘to question’ and not simply accept that things have always been done a certain way. Dare to think new and dare to be ‘persistent.’ Innovation is both exciting and difficult, but above all it is a great feeling to be able to contribute to something getting better,” concludes Max-Peter.



Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt

Ulrika Prytz Rugfelt

Press contact Chief Communications & Sustainability Officer +46 70 252 00 98

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